Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Texas Style
Well....where to begin. The last week or so has been great, but I have not had a moment of internet access to share it with you all (or ya'll as we say here in Texas). I was sick for a few days, so my days were spent sitting on a couch at the church or sleeping. There are no sick days on tour really :). Yesterday we rolled into Laguna Park Texas. Nobody knows where it is (including Texans), but within the ACC organization this place is famous becuase of Uncle Brother Doug and his church of amazing and generous people. From the moment we stepped off the bus yesterday he has had me laughing non-stop. Before he even knew my name he told me "I better not pass out on him (from low blood sugar) because he hadn't brushed his teeth in three months and he'd have to be the one to give me mouth to mouth!" Bet you never heard that from your preacher before! Uncle Brother Doug (as he has come to be known in the ACC Family) took a bunch of us girls grocery shopping yesterday to buy food to cook at camp for all of us this coming week. I've never had so much fun shopping for groceries. We filled three flats at Sams Club and loaded up the church van. Our last concert before Christmas starts in a few hours and after that we are looking forward to a week of rest, food, cooking, Christmas movies, and celebration. I'm looking forward very much to the break and time to just play with the kids and enjoy the Christmas celebration. This one stoplight town of less than 1000 is the perfect place to spend Christmas. I've never seen such genuine, generous, Christlike people. I don't know how much internet access i'll have this week, but I wish ya'll a blessed Christmas week!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pre-Christmas Texas Fun
I'm tired and fighting a cold tonight, but just wanted to write down a few bits and pieces about the last few days here in Grapevine Texas. Sorry if it's a little incoherent...

We are at Fellowship Church (with Pastor Ed Young....maybe you have heard of him?) for 5 whole days right now and it's so nice to be in one place for awhile. Wev'e been blessed with great hosts and lovely experiences the last couple days. The kids performed several times for 4000+ people this weekend at the church and it was quite exciting. The stage and auditorium here remind me of what American Idol must look like :) I have thought a lot this weekend about where the kids have come from the where they are now. From the dirt and poverty of Africa to the flashy stages and cushy lifestyle of America. How different it is. This tour is changing their lives (mostly in a good way), but it also reminds us how materialistic and ungrateful we are here in America. I pray everyday that the kids don't take on an American attitude while they are here. This morning I was was thinking about this at Starbucks...four months ago I was sitting in the red dirt with Gladys and Peace, eating Matooke from a plastic bowl. This morning I sat in a cushy chair with them, enjoying our Starbucks drinks together! There is actually a funny story to go with it. As we walked in I informed the girls that this was the place where their aunties and uncles get what they call our "happy juice." As they took in all the sights, sounds, and smells of our beloved Starbucks, Steve got them each a tiny hot chocolate. What a treat! As we climbed back in the car, Peace exclaimed in a very excited voice, "Thank you auntie and uncle for the happy juice!" Priceless...
The Christmas festivities everywhere are in full swing and even though I am unable to take part in family celebrations or time with friends, it's been a fun weekend of Christmas celebrations for us here in Texas. Saturday morning we took the girls to their first parade. Gotta love the small town parades. My favorite part was the dancing tuba players and the bagpipes!
Tonight we joined another host family and and a group of neighbors for an evening of caroling in the neighborhood. I miss caroling with my family at Christmas, so it was great to have this opportunity. We created quite a ruckus and a scene with all our bells and crazy christmas scarves. I must admit it was the first time I have caroled in a t-shirt! I was missing the sweater, coat, mittens, hat, and scarf...only in Texas (and well maybe California, Arizona, Florida, and a few other places :).
One more week of concerts and then we rest for a week at Christmas camp! Can't wait for cookie baking and movies!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Through the eyes of a child
There are few things more beatiful than seeing life through the eyes of a child. During school today I had the P4's do a journaling activity. Journaling has always been important for me and I was excited to teach them how and hopefully inspire them to keep a journal. The following entry is what Nelson wrote...
When we were in Dallas we saw snow. At first Uncle Andrew said it is snowing but I said no that's not true. Please do not jock (joke). So he said touch my arms. So I caught his arms then I felt his arms so so so so cold. Then I believe that it is snowing out side. Then my friends came out from the shower then they found us talking about snow then my friends did not believe so uncle Andrew said let's go outside. We all shout yes! Yes! So we went outside to see snow but before seeing when Patrick was holding the door people push Patrick away because they wanted to see snow. So I hold Patrick's hand and bring him up and we ran and see snow. Auntie Angela was taking a video I opened my mouth very wide and I was eating snow. I will write other when journal book comes.
When we were in Dallas we saw snow. At first Uncle Andrew said it is snowing but I said no that's not true. Please do not jock (joke). So he said touch my arms. So I caught his arms then I felt his arms so so so so cold. Then I believe that it is snowing out side. Then my friends came out from the shower then they found us talking about snow then my friends did not believe so uncle Andrew said let's go outside. We all shout yes! Yes! So we went outside to see snow but before seeing when Patrick was holding the door people push Patrick away because they wanted to see snow. So I hold Patrick's hand and bring him up and we ran and see snow. Auntie Angela was taking a video I opened my mouth very wide and I was eating snow. I will write other when journal book comes.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 Texas???
You better believe it! After months of praying to see snow and losing hope the further south we the kids were getting out of the showers tonight Auntie Rachel came in yelling for the girls to grab their coats. 22 pajama clad children threw on flip flops and coats and ran outside whooping and hollering and dancing, as giant snowflakes fell from the sky! We shivered and jumped up and down catching snowflakes for a few minutes before returning indoors for devotions. I don't remember the first time I saw snow, but i'm pretty sure I was not nearly as excited as these children who have been waiting their whole lives to see the fluffy white stuff. It is every choirs dream when they come on tour, to see snow and I'm thoroughly excited that we all got to experience it together (and in Texas nonetheless). The kids are in bed now and the adults are off to cuddle up and watch White Christmas (what better way to end a GREAT day).

Saturday, December 6, 2008
You Know Your in Texas When...
We have arrived in Texas.....our "home" for the next three months. As we were driving to Dallas yesterday I was thinking to myself you know your in Texas a 10 minute period of time we passed dozens of ranches, a cowhide decoration store, Billy the Kid Outlaw Museum, and a random field of camels in the middle of nowhere! As I listened to my favorite country music, I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to the window, wondering what I would see next. This morning I finished my Christmas shopping online, while drinking hazelnut coffee in a comfy it. We are off to lunch...I hope you are enjoying a restful Saturday.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Barksdale AFB
The past four days we were honored to be guests at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. I've never had any real close ties to the military, so it was quite a special and memorable experience for me. We stayed at the Air Force Inn and they took such good care of us. I felt like everyone bent over backward to make sure we had anything we could ever need or want. Monday we were invited to the headquarters to meet with the 2nd Wing Commander Robert Wheeler, who is the head guy on base. he took pictures with us and encouraged the kids to follow their dreams. I was so impressed with how good he was with the kids. He presented us with a sweet Air Force coin and a cool wooden airplane to take with us. Yesterday we had a private tour of a B52 bomber (Barksdale is home of the B52 bomber-they have 53 of them). Christopher and Julius, our wanna be pilots, were wide eyed and soooooo excited as the pilot showed us around and explained how the plane is used. We had the chance to get up close and personal with several old war planes on base as well. What a treat! The kids were also surprised yesterday with a trip to a hands-on science center. I snapped pictures and smiled as they played with all kinds of gadgets, learned how to plumb a sink, layed on a bed of nails and freaked out at the sight of a tarantula. what a fun day for all of us! Thanks to the poeple at Barksdale AFB for making our stay so memorable and encouraging the dreams of so many little children.

On a completely unrelated note...I am writing tonight from the back porch of a cottage in Marshall, Texas. I'm cuddled up in a blanket, sipping hot tea, listening to the ducks on the lake, and watching some awesome lightning. God sure knows how to make me happy. A cute little cottage next to a lake, with a nice bed, and internet is all it takes :) It's been a good day. The kids made me laugh so much today and it is refreshing to the soul. They are now tucked tightly in bed and Laura, Lindsey, and I are trying to enjoy every moment in this beautiful place. As Lindsey would say...peace out. 
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Best Slumber Party Ever
Yesterday we got the best surprise ever when Choir 31 rolled up at the school we're staying at. They are on their way from Texas back to North Carolina and decided to make a pitstop here. The last 24 hours have been full of much rejoicing, singing, dancing, playing, and catching up with old friends and fellow ACC members. Yesterday found the boys having a very serious soccer scrimage, and the girls dressing up the Aunties in African garb, found amidst the rummage sale goods in the school gym. Keep an eye out on facebook for a video of out Uptown Girls fashion show (I'm still trying to figure out how to get it uploaded). 48 Ugandan children and 18 aunties and uncles in one gym= the best slumber party ever! This kind of thing rarely happens, so we are feeling quite blessed and excited to have gotten the choirs together twice in 4 months. After lifting our voices to the Lord in praise, the kids went to bed and the aunties and uncles set up a projector for our own private movie night. It's been awhile since I actually sat down and watched a movie...I almost forgot what it feels like. This morning I sat up in my sleeping bag to be greeted by a jumble of airplane, hello kitty, and superman jammy clad children. The kids are now practicing to put on a little talent show for each other, before we both take off in our seperate directions.
Monday, November 24, 2008
And then there was the time.....
You know those memories that don't seem super funny at the time, but you laugh about for years to come? Last night was one of those. The story goes something like this.....remember the time when we were sleeping on a big gym floor and the fire alarm (including a bright strobe light) went off at 2am? I still can't believe the kids didn't wake up (don't know if I was more happy or disturbed), after it had been going off for nearly a half hour. And then, because of the downpour of rain, the cockroaches decided to come in and make themselves at home by our sleeping bags. Glad we can laugh at it now. I really should write a book someday :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Life is interesting and with each new day comes a new adventure. Tonight I am marveling at the contrasts. A few days ago we were in Boston, being treated like royalty and the kids sang for
30, 000 + people. Tonight we are in Roland, Arkansas at First Baptist Church of the Natural Steps and sleeping on a gym floor the next 3 nights. When it was time for the concert to start, 19 people had showed up. There are 32 of was a little humurous. Despite the few bodies, there was lots of energy. The congregation was completely African American and one of our kids, with a confused face, asked if we were back in Uganda! O, how their world is expanding :)
30, 000 + people. Tonight we are in Roland, Arkansas at First Baptist Church of the Natural Steps and sleeping on a gym floor the next 3 nights. When it was time for the concert to start, 19 people had showed up. There are 32 of was a little humurous. Despite the few bodies, there was lots of energy. The congregation was completely African American and one of our kids, with a confused face, asked if we were back in Uganda! O, how their world is expanding :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Singing with Bishop Tutu
After our delay in Little Rock and a short layover in Dallas, the choir arrived safely in Boston yesterday. We checked into the fancy Westin Hotel at the Boston Convention Center and had a quick snack of chocolate cake before heading to sound check. There were many “wah wahs” at the sight of the giant room the kids would sing in.
We all enjoyed a fancy catered meal, including teddy bear shaped gellato, before heading to bed. This morning we were escorted to the Greenbuild convention where the children sang before and after the keynote speaker, Nobel Peace Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. 30,000 people were present at the convention and the program was broadcast on television to 80 different countries, we were told! The kids did excellent and we are happy to report that the people at the convention said the kids have made the organization proud. Following the program, the kids had a photo session with Bishop Tutu and he handed out high fives to every child. This was an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us and we are quite excited to be here. In a few hours we will board a plane back to Little Rock and enjoy a few days off at a church before resuming tour on Friday. Thanks to all of you who help make these kinds of opportunities possible for these kids, in so many ways.

We all enjoyed a fancy catered meal, including teddy bear shaped gellato, before heading to bed. This morning we were escorted to the Greenbuild convention where the children sang before and after the keynote speaker, Nobel Peace Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. 30,000 people were present at the convention and the program was broadcast on television to 80 different countries, we were told! The kids did excellent and we are happy to report that the people at the convention said the kids have made the organization proud. Following the program, the kids had a photo session with Bishop Tutu and he handed out high fives to every child. This was an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us and we are quite excited to be here. In a few hours we will board a plane back to Little Rock and enjoy a few days off at a church before resuming tour on Friday. Thanks to all of you who help make these kinds of opportunities possible for these kids, in so many ways.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Chillin in the Little Rock Airport
3am this morning found 22 bleary eyed children and 10 spunky (just kidding) adults boarding a bus for the Little Rock, Arkansas national airport. After clearing security, a breakfast of blueberry muffins, and 10 starbucks drinks, we are currently playing a game of telephone, while we wait to board our delayed flight. It is always encouraging when your plane is delayed because the aircraft is damaged. The good news is we have just been cleared...I'll write from Boston!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Questions of the day
So I told one of my oldest boys the other day to make me a list of things he wants to know. He has been flying through his schoolwork and so he needed something to do and I wanted to give him an alternative to being bored. The following is a list of the questions he wrote down for me. I thought I would share it with you because it is quite interesting.
1. What is fertilization?
2. What is sanitation?
3. Why do we wash our hands after using the toilet?
4. What is it called when liquid changes into ice?
5. What is HIV/AIDS in full?
6. What is your favorite season?
7. Give 100 reasons why whites are different from blacks?
8. What is living things?
9. Who was the first king of America?
10. What is a climate?
11. List down the road signs.
12. What is the use of road signs?
So there ya go...these are the questions I get to answer. A pretty random assortment if you ask me..coming from a very curious and intelligent boy. I'm gonna have to think on a few of these for awhile.
1. What is fertilization?
2. What is sanitation?
3. Why do we wash our hands after using the toilet?
4. What is it called when liquid changes into ice?
5. What is HIV/AIDS in full?
6. What is your favorite season?
7. Give 100 reasons why whites are different from blacks?
8. What is living things?
9. Who was the first king of America?
10. What is a climate?
11. List down the road signs.
12. What is the use of road signs?
So there ya go...these are the questions I get to answer. A pretty random assortment if you ask me..coming from a very curious and intelligent boy. I'm gonna have to think on a few of these for awhile.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Prayer Request
I received a call today from my brother who lives in Southern California. Last night a fire swept through the campus of Westmont College, where he goes to school. 9 buildings were burned up as well as 15 faculty homes, leaving many homeless and devastated. Despite the devastation, Toby said they are praising the Lord that the main buildings of the school survived and nobody was killed or seriously injured. Would you please take a few minutes to pray for the families and students who lost so much today. Please pray also for my brother and those who are working hard to clean up the mess and take care of the homeless.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Christmas Already???
Has anybody else noticed that the Christmas hullabaloo comes earlier and earlier every year? This year I even noticed Christmas music and a few decorations in early October...but as soon as Halloween was over it's like people forgot about a holiday called Thanksgiving and went straight to preparing for Christmas..which was nearly two months away! As much as I love Christmas, I fear the specialness of it wears off by the time it gets here, when we prepare this early. Every store I have walked into this week was playing Christmas music, several radio stations are playing the music already, and yesterday when we pulled into the church in Springfield, MO, there were poeple busily setting up an elaborate Christmas lights show, complete with a funhouse and dozens of Christmas trees, right on the church property. As I sit here enjoying an eggnog chai latte, the kids are learning a few new Christmas songs to add to the concert program. There is no putting it off any longer...the Christmas season is coming full speed ahead. With that...I wish everyone a very special THANKSGIVING!
On a completely unrelated note, I would like to share with you a moment from school today. I was explaining to my p4's what the word generally means and I used the following example: "Generally you children are good, but sometimes you make mistakes. Generally I am good, but sometimes I make mistakes." Nelson raised his hand and said, "Auntie, I have never seen you make a mistake." It took me several minutes to convince the kids that Auntie Angela (though her name looks like angel and the kids think she looks like one) is not perfect. Yikes! This led to a good discussion about sin nature, which I think they understood when we finished. I am still not sure what to think though about the kids assumption that I am perfect. If only they knew!
On a completely unrelated note, I would like to share with you a moment from school today. I was explaining to my p4's what the word generally means and I used the following example: "Generally you children are good, but sometimes you make mistakes. Generally I am good, but sometimes I make mistakes." Nelson raised his hand and said, "Auntie, I have never seen you make a mistake." It took me several minutes to convince the kids that Auntie Angela (though her name looks like angel and the kids think she looks like one) is not perfect. Yikes! This led to a good discussion about sin nature, which I think they understood when we finished. I am still not sure what to think though about the kids assumption that I am perfect. If only they knew!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Today at lunch, Nelson asked me what my favorite word in English is and I told him...
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! The boys spent the rest of lunch trying to say it and busting out in laughs. It came out sounding more like supercalifornialotion. I took a video, but for some reason it will not upload here...sorry.
Hannington and Geofrey are sitting here now marveling at how fast I can type. They don't understand how I can look at the screen and my fingers just know where to go. Julius says hello (though it sounds more like hallo).
It is time to load the bus now...toodles!
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! The boys spent the rest of lunch trying to say it and busting out in laughs. It came out sounding more like supercalifornialotion. I took a video, but for some reason it will not upload here...sorry.
Hannington and Geofrey are sitting here now marveling at how fast I can type. They don't understand how I can look at the screen and my fingers just know where to go. Julius says hello (though it sounds more like hallo).
It is time to load the bus now...toodles!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
a night on the town...
It's the third night in a row that I have been up past midnight...but I just can't seem to make it to bed before then. Tonight is historic for America (whether your an Obama supporter or not), there is no denying it. I am anxious to see what happens, but at peace knowing God is on the throne and in control. I'm happy to say I spent the evening out with fellow chaperones, rather than in front of the television. The girls went out to celebrate Laura's birthday and it was the first time we've been out on tour. It felt good to laugh and relax with no kids around and no host families (even though I love them both). We chuckled at ourselves as we were driving down the road worried about getting home and checking on the kids. We sounded just like mothers! The brain power is waning, but I am going to bed tonight feeling blessed and thankful for generous host families, good friends, and a night out :).
Monday, November 3, 2008
It's 12:04am and I'm not sure why I'm still awake. I should have been in bed long ago, but alas I have been on the phone catching up with friends and family. When I get a chance to talk (with free minutes) I can't pass it up (even though I'm not much for phone conversations). Two of my boys came in a bit ago to inform me that Christopher was not sleeping "properly." I'm still a bit bewilder at what exactly he meant, after hearing his explanation. He was making funny faces with his eyes and telling me that he sleeps sometimes with his eyes open and for some reason he couldn't sleep with his eyes closed. Whatever the case it made me roll MY eyes at him and send him back to bed. O, the random things of get to deal with as a "parent" to these kids. Thank you to those of you who faithfully read my thoughts on this blog. Some of it is trivial, but I hope you are encouraged when you walk away and inspired to live life abundantly in Christ.
I am currently listening to the newly released song by Michael W. Smith that he recorded live with the African Children's Choir (#31) that I trained with in August. The album is called A New Hallelujah and you should go get it! I remember talking to Michael back in March when I was living in Nashville. I went to his church and chatted with him after the service about the African Children's Choir. He told me he wanted them on his next album and sure enough he invited Choir 31 to record with him this past summer. It's so fun to be listening to it now and see the kids on the back of the album!
Tonight we got to visit the St. Louis Arch. It's HUGE and pretty remarkable and beautiful at night. My boys loved it and asked lots of questions. Next to the arch is the Famous Eads bridge, which might not mean much to anybody else, but I just happened to have taught my 6th graders at Hew Hope Academy this past spring, about the bridge, while we were learning about the Industrial Era (I'm pretty sure that is a terrible run on sentence, but I'm too tired to fix it :). I had forgotten about it until someone told me the name of the bridge I was staring at. So cool!
It's 12:16 now and Im determined to go to bed earlier than I did last night, so adios and goodnight friends! 
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Dance Party
Today is Halloween, but I hardly noticed, save for some cemeteries and ghosts in people's yards, and a few people in costumes at the mall. We have tried to shelter our kids from this holiday as much as possible and it seems to have worked. I spent the evening in a host family basement with two of my girls having a private dance party. It was awesome! Since joining this tour my insecurities about my dancing skills and fears of dancing in front of others have disipated. Dancing is a big part of life for me now and I am loving it. Tonight I taught the girls a few classic Mzungu (white person) moves and I have never seen anything so funny. We were all rolling on the floor laughing. I don't think there has ever been a point in my life when I have felt as happy, joyful, peaceful, and excited as I do every day right now. I get 22+ hugs every day and I get to teach 22 African children about life...this week I taught them how to use their new Bibles. We learned about the table of contents, books, chapters, verses, etc. It is so exciting to see the kids whip out their Bibles on the bus and read. They are asking questions too, which is very exciting and encouraging. This week we are catching up on school, after a couple weeks of intense rehearsals and traveling to San Fransisco. Nelson asked me in class yesterday what characteristic means, so we were discussing the characteristics of various items in the room. The kids started naming characteristics of "Auntie Angela." It began like...she is a Mzungu, she has long hair, she is very very beautiful...and then Gilbert blurted out...she is fat!I couldn't help but laugh. He was completly serious and innocent. cultural difference: in Uganda being called fat is a compliment because it means you have enough food to eat and are well nourished. I had to inform my students that they should probably not go around in America telling people they are fat, because it is rude! The moral of the story is...if you are ever feeling overweight or unhappy about your weight..move to Africa and people will admire you! on that note...I must get my beauty sleep. Goodnight from St. Louis...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The kids received their very first brand new Bibles today. I can venture to say I have never seen anybody so excited to have their very own copy of God's word. Thank you to the people at St. Paul's in Evansville for giving this generous gift. The kids will cherish them forever. At home tonight I sat on the couch with Gilbert, Mo, and Patrick as they flipped through the pages, read passages, studied maps, and looked up verses they know. Their excitement and eagerness fueled my hunger to be in God's word and gave me a renewed desire to be in the word every day. I read to the boys from their Bibles at bedtime and we talked about faithfulness. They have pure and curious hearts and I am honored to have the chance to pour into them and disciple them. 
Monday, October 27, 2008
P.S If you want to see my kids with Matt Damon...
I thought I would just add this link to my fellow chaperone Steve's blog. He has posted a clip from Entertainment Tonight that features our kids on the red carpet with Matt Damon. Check it out:
Life without God's Love is Like a Donut
Does anybody remember watching the Donut Man videos when you were a kid? The Donut Repairman and his sidekick, Duncan the Donut, would tell Bible stories and sing songs to help kids learn biblical truths. The theme song begins..."Life without God's love is like a a a without God's love is like a donut, cause their's a hole in the middle of your heart..." I have fond memories of watching these video's as a child, but I have not thought of them for years. I really don't recall much about my childhood until something happens that sparks a memory. This morning Auntie Rachel led devotions for the kids and she talked about the emptiness of a life without Christ. She used donuts and donut holes as an object lesson. As an addition to her lesson I was able to find some YouTube videos of the Donut Man show (Laura and I enjoyed a flash from the past together!). The kids were thrilled when I let them watch the video of the song (who doesn't love singing donuts?!) and they made me play it several times. I caught them singing lines from the song later on in the day as well :).
It was a long week for the kids with their big trip out to San Fransisco, so today we just chilled at the church. Despite the rapidly chilling weather we enjoyed some outdoor time. I showed the girls up with my hoola hooping skills (thanks to those Saturday morning hoola hooping competitions at Starbucks when I was in high school!). For once I could shake my hips better than the kids..they liked that!
God has given me the opportunity to have some heart to heart conversations with a few of my boys this week and I've gotten a glimpse into their little hearts. One boy showed concern that he doesn't know for sure what he wants to be when he grows up (who knows at 10?). I reassured him that it's okay and we had a long conversation about different job options. He is a smart, talented, awesome little guy (I would adopt him if I could). I told him that I know God will use him in whatever job he does, becuase his heart is surrendered to the Lord. After explaining to him what that means, I told him he can do anything he wants and I truly believe that. It is these moments I live for and I hope this is a conversation he will never forget. Thank you to those who have helped to make these moments possible by supporting me and encouraging me. Together we are making a difference!
It was a long week for the kids with their big trip out to San Fransisco, so today we just chilled at the church. Despite the rapidly chilling weather we enjoyed some outdoor time. I showed the girls up with my hoola hooping skills (thanks to those Saturday morning hoola hooping competitions at Starbucks when I was in high school!). For once I could shake my hips better than the kids..they liked that!
God has given me the opportunity to have some heart to heart conversations with a few of my boys this week and I've gotten a glimpse into their little hearts. One boy showed concern that he doesn't know for sure what he wants to be when he grows up (who knows at 10?). I reassured him that it's okay and we had a long conversation about different job options. He is a smart, talented, awesome little guy (I would adopt him if I could). I told him that I know God will use him in whatever job he does, becuase his heart is surrendered to the Lord. After explaining to him what that means, I told him he can do anything he wants and I truly believe that. It is these moments I live for and I hope this is a conversation he will never forget. Thank you to those who have helped to make these moments possible by supporting me and encouraging me. Together we are making a difference!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Some thoughts over a chai latte in Chi-Town
As I write this entry my kids are on stage singing with Josh Groban...yes, THEE Josh Groban :)
Yesterday morning we dropped the team off at the airport at 4am to fly out to San Fransisco for a big charity event. Since they only needed 6 of our chaperones for this trip, four of us stayed back and I joyful hopped the train to spend a few days with friends in Chicago. It's been wonderful to rest and catch up with good friends. I am enjoying the sights and sounds of my "second" home. It's a very different feeling to be back on campus as a graduate. I was able to speak in a couple classes and a department chapel today, which was exciting. I remember being a student and feeling encouraged when former students would stop by to give us a pep talk. I just never thought I would be one of those students!
Though I love Chicago for all it's diversity and culture, I've always been a little distressed by the level of materialism indicated by the lifestyles of many who live here. Being here after spending time in Africa has been even harder for me though. I was on a walk to Lake Michigan today and almost felt sick as I looked in the windows of the shops and saw shoes and purses and clothes on sale for hundreds and thousands of dollars. Why are our prioritites so messed up here? America, where did we lose sight of what is important in life? I must admit that I have wasted things in my life and and own much more than I should, but I'm feeling especially embarrised for my country right now. It's not about's about people and eternity...When you get stressed out over material things in life, look at the big picture and remember it doesnt' matter in the end.
Sorry to go off on a little rant there, but it has been what's on my mind today. In the midst of these thoughts, I have enjoyed a nice fall day here in the city, including coffee with Ralene and Heather in the morning, Ice Tea with Kristine at Borders in the afternoon, and the best Chai Latte ever with 3 amazing girlfriends at a favorite hangout spot. If your reading this girls..I love you guys!
Yesterday morning we dropped the team off at the airport at 4am to fly out to San Fransisco for a big charity event. Since they only needed 6 of our chaperones for this trip, four of us stayed back and I joyful hopped the train to spend a few days with friends in Chicago. It's been wonderful to rest and catch up with good friends. I am enjoying the sights and sounds of my "second" home. It's a very different feeling to be back on campus as a graduate. I was able to speak in a couple classes and a department chapel today, which was exciting. I remember being a student and feeling encouraged when former students would stop by to give us a pep talk. I just never thought I would be one of those students!
Though I love Chicago for all it's diversity and culture, I've always been a little distressed by the level of materialism indicated by the lifestyles of many who live here. Being here after spending time in Africa has been even harder for me though. I was on a walk to Lake Michigan today and almost felt sick as I looked in the windows of the shops and saw shoes and purses and clothes on sale for hundreds and thousands of dollars. Why are our prioritites so messed up here? America, where did we lose sight of what is important in life? I must admit that I have wasted things in my life and and own much more than I should, but I'm feeling especially embarrised for my country right now. It's not about's about people and eternity...When you get stressed out over material things in life, look at the big picture and remember it doesnt' matter in the end.
Sorry to go off on a little rant there, but it has been what's on my mind today. In the midst of these thoughts, I have enjoyed a nice fall day here in the city, including coffee with Ralene and Heather in the morning, Ice Tea with Kristine at Borders in the afternoon, and the best Chai Latte ever with 3 amazing girlfriends at a favorite hangout spot. If your reading this girls..I love you guys!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Good Friends and Great Memories
This week has been full of special moments and I have built many memories that won't soon fade. I love being able to share my kids with friends and these past few days I have gotten to do just that. Thursday was my day off, and I had the privilege of visiting my best friend, Maria's, classroom in Hopedale, IL. We graduated from Moody together and are both now teaching. Maria invited me to share with her students a bit about Africa and the African Children's Choir. What a joy it was to be there and share with them. The next day the class came on a fieldtrip to see our concert! Never would we have guessed years ago that we would be back in Springfield with both our classes in one church. I took the children back stage and they were so excited to meet the kids from Africa and interact with them. It was a moment I will never forget.

I've always been a country girl at heart and this morning I got my fix of farm life. Auntie Sarah and four of our girls enjoyed horseback riding and ATV rides around a farm near Springfield, IL on one of the most pleasant fall days I have ever seen.
May you experience the little blessings in today.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Smile! Your on TV!
I don't really understand how television works....therefore I can't really explain to a bunch of children from Uganda how they can stand in a room and sing, while it is simultaneously broadcast to over 100,000 people in their homes. If you live in the Peoria, IL area you might have seen my children singing on your NBC local news at lunchtime. They had their first television appearance today and it was a great experience. The news anchors were so excited to have the kids there and everybody at the station tried to peek into the studio to see what all the ruckus was :)
Today is dreary and rainy and I am feeling exhausted (haven't had my coffee), but I am looking forward to having the day off tomorrow and spending it with my best friend and her family. I love you Imig clan!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I know I already wrote today, but tonight's moments are worth adding to my earlier list. Our wonderful host families organized a bonfire by the lake tonight for all the kids. We experienced smores together for the first time and then were dazzled by a terrific display of fireworks which lasted at least 30 min. The children cheered and screamed and clapped and giggled to their hearts content. the whole evening was an overload of sensory experiences and sugar, but all worth it in the end. As I tucked the boys into bed, Nelson was under the covers giggling, which is so unlike him. Surely it was the sugar speaking! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to those in Canada...I might not be Canadian, but we sure celebrated today! 

Little Moments
It's the little moments in life that make is so special and put a smile on my face everyday. On this journey I have laughed and smiled more than ever before. Let me share with you just a few of the random moments that have brought happiness to my life lately:

1. Spending time with friends who have attended our concerts and encouraged me.
2. The night Karen, the head teacher from choir 10, attended our concert and introduced herself to me. She gave us a box of pencils that belonged to choir 10 that she has been saving for 15 years!
3. Past host families who have travelled to attend recent concerts and commented that the kids have really improved in the last few weeks.
4. Praising the Lord through song on the bus
5. The moment when Hannington and Lillian both lost teeth on the bus. Hannington lost both front teeth and has a priceless grin now :)
6. Reading letters from choir 30 and choir 31 that they have written to our children.
7. On the drive to Wisconsin, Uncle Andrew said, "Children, if you look out your window you will see people falling from the sky." Boy was it funny trying to explain to the kids that people jump out of planes with parachutes for fun!
8. Early morning walks in the crisp Wisconsin air, surrounded by colorful trees.
9. Playing fusebol with little Hannington.
10. Singing Bless Yaweh with the boys as I tuck them into bed at night.
11. Reading my favorite books to the kids
12. Eating homemade apple crisp!
Enjoy the little moments today! That is what life is all about. It's made up of many little moments. :)
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