Some days I just marvel at God's goodness and the way he works things out. Today I couldn't help but thank him over and over again for the most marvelous day imaginable. For months I have been looking forward to coming back to Franklin, Tennessee. A year ago when I finished my student teaching here I left New Hope Academy with tears in my eyes hoping and praying that God would bring me back. Now here I am! Many of my students, parents, and teachers from the school came to our concert last night and it was such a blessing to share my children with them and show them what I have been doing. Today, God blessed me with a car to drive and I was able to meet up with many former students, teachers, and parents from New Hope. Thanks to those who came out to see me!!! I so enjoyed catching up with everyone, sharing stories, and laughing together. I'll always feel at home here.
After a great afternoon with friends I was able to take Laura and Patrick to see The Grand ol' Opry and the Opryland Hotel. We had a blast and I so enjoyed sharing with my new dear friends this place that became so special to me last year.
A sweet story from tonight: My friend Mark has been teaching up in northern Canada this year. He has shared with his 4th and 5th graders all about the African Children's Choir and they have made a project this year to learn all about Africa and how they can help. Denna, one of the girls from the class, has written up a proposal and the class is now having a drive-in movie fundraiser next month to earn money to help with the building of the new African Children's Choir Primary School. I just got off the phone with Denna...she called all the way from a remote area in Canada to ask me all kinds of questions about my kids and what I am doing with the choir. This little 9 year old is so curious and is learning so much about helping people she doesn't even know. I am so excited to see kids all over the world being touched by the choir and recognizing how they can help children in other parts of the world who are less fortunate. God is at work! This is a public school and most of the students don't even know Jesus. It's amazing to see how God works! Thank you for being a part of this ministry. It is more far reaching than you can ever know.