Sunday, September 27, 2009
Quiet Love
Most Sunday mornings find me frantically setting up a product table and selling merchandise to excited and teary eyed people who come out of our concerts, but this morning was different. I really miss going to church and worshiping corporately with other believers. I am very much looking forward to observing Sunday's as a day of rest again. This morning we had no concert, but some lovely church folks fed us a nice breakfast at Willard Church of God in Willard, OH. Their church service this morning was led by a traveling group called Quiet Love. The group travels around and performs mimes and sign language to popular Christian songs, all under blacklights. We couldn't stay for the service but they offered to do a little mini show just for us! For 20 minutes we enjoyed the coolest most powerful time of worship. I had flashes of what I imagine heaven will be like...people all worshiping the Lord with lots of light and energy. Of course it helped that they were signing to "I can only Imagine!" I had goosebumps the whole time as we clapped, danced, and worshipped together. On the last song they pulled our children up on stage too and they all danced together under the blacklights. The camraderie between the two groups was unique too, since we all travel around and perform. I felt like we understood each other on a performers level as well as being brothers and sisters in Christ. Because they gave us a special show, we gave them a quick little show too. It was great! I love these spontaneous experiences that God brings our way!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fall Has Arrived!
Fall has arrived! Today marks the beginning of my favorite season. I love the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, jeans and sweaters, hot drinks, and football games :) Today was long..with all the paper work, teaching, inventory counting, etc. I didn't even have a chance to eat lunch today-it was a candy bar on the run. Sad I know. By the time I dragged myself back to the host home all I wanted to do was lay down and be alone. I planned to go for a walk and the girls were going to go to the park, but as soon as we stepped out onto to the porch it began to pour down rain. Racheal, Esther, and I stood and watched the rain for a few minutes and then we said, “what the heck, let's go play in the rain” So we rolled up our pants, took off our socks and shoes and ran off into the rain. We danced, skipped, and ran down the street, jumping in the puddles, and playing soccer with some red apples we found on the ground. People driving down the street might have thought we were crazy, but we were perfectly happy, enjoying life. The girls with their giggles, smiles, and pure love of life pulled me right out of my tired, grouchy mood and reminded me what life is all about. We found a tree that had begun to turn brilliant shades of red, yellow, and orange, and was dropping it's rainbow colored leaves at our feet. The girls I gleefully gathered our favorites and basked in a “first day of fall celebration.” After arriving home soaking wet, we took hot showers, drank some hot chocolate, listened to Disney music, and arranged our leaves to dry so we can press them and make some beautiful cards! I am thankful to the Lord for knowing what I need better than I do. He used two beautiful girls and some rain to kick me out of my self pity slump and show me how to make the most out of what I have.
Fall has arrived! Today marks the beginning of my favorite season. I love the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, jeans and sweaters, hot drinks, and football games :) Today was long..with all the paper work, teaching, inventory counting, etc. I didn't even have a chance to eat lunch today-it was a candy bar on the run. Sad I know. By the time I dragged myself back to the host home all I wanted to do was lay down and be alone. I planned to go for a walk and the girls were going to go to the park, but as soon as we stepped out onto to the porch it began to pour down rain. Racheal, Esther, and I stood and watched the rain for a few minutes and then we said, “what the heck, let's go play in the rain” So we rolled up our pants, took off our socks and shoes and ran off into the rain. We danced, skipped, and ran down the street, jumping in the puddles, and playing soccer with some red apples we found on the ground. People driving down the street might have thought we were crazy, but we were perfectly happy, enjoying life. The girls with their giggles, smiles, and pure love of life pulled me right out of my tired, grouchy mood and reminded me what life is all about. We found a tree that had begun to turn brilliant shades of red, yellow, and orange, and was dropping it's rainbow colored leaves at our feet. The girls I gleefully gathered our favorites and basked in a “first day of fall celebration.” After arriving home soaking wet, we took hot showers, drank some hot chocolate, listened to Disney music, and arranged our leaves to dry so we can press them and make some beautiful cards! I am thankful to the Lord for knowing what I need better than I do. He used two beautiful girls and some rain to kick me out of my self pity slump and show me how to make the most out of what I have.
A Bedtime Conversation
I haven't had internet for a few days..but here is a couple updates I wrote...
Tonight as I was tucking Racheal and Esther into bed I asked them if they had any questions before they went to sleep. I expected to hear maybe a simple question like are we doing math or english tomorrow, but what I heard surprised me. Esther said, “yes, I have a question. When the world is over will Jesus send stairs down from Heaven for us to climb up?” I tried to simply explain to them that when Jesus returns he will gather all his people together and we will go straight into his presence, while the wicked will remain on earth for awhile until God's wrath on earth is complete, and then all will go to Heaven or Hell for eternity. Which we all agreed is too hard to understand. Racheal's response was, “Some people think it is a punishment to die, but it is just because God wants us to be in Heaven with him.” Wow..I want her to speak at my memorial service! Racheal also said.. “I have another question. Did God send Jesus to earth or did Jesus send himself? Because there is only one God, but how come there is Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God?” I tried the egg explanation and we discussed the Trinity for a few minutes, before deciding that it is just too hard for us to really comprehend and we will have to wait until we get to Heaven to see God and ask him...which we are all excited for. These are my favorite moments on tour :)
Tonight as I was tucking Racheal and Esther into bed I asked them if they had any questions before they went to sleep. I expected to hear maybe a simple question like are we doing math or english tomorrow, but what I heard surprised me. Esther said, “yes, I have a question. When the world is over will Jesus send stairs down from Heaven for us to climb up?” I tried to simply explain to them that when Jesus returns he will gather all his people together and we will go straight into his presence, while the wicked will remain on earth for awhile until God's wrath on earth is complete, and then all will go to Heaven or Hell for eternity. Which we all agreed is too hard to understand. Racheal's response was, “Some people think it is a punishment to die, but it is just because God wants us to be in Heaven with him.” Wow..I want her to speak at my memorial service! Racheal also said.. “I have another question. Did God send Jesus to earth or did Jesus send himself? Because there is only one God, but how come there is Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God?” I tried the egg explanation and we discussed the Trinity for a few minutes, before deciding that it is just too hard for us to really comprehend and we will have to wait until we get to Heaven to see God and ask him...which we are all excited for. These are my favorite moments on tour :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Off Into the Sunset...
It's been a great birthday week already. My tour family and friends around the world have made me feel so loved and honored. I am so grateful for the amazing friends God has placed in my life. Where would I be without all of you? I don't know.

All I have wanted to do this summer is go on a boat ride. I have waited patiently and summer is almost over. Tonight, God lovingly granted my wish. I can see him up in heaven smiling as he ordained the events of this evening. Rose, Gladys, and I joined our lovely hosts aboard the ski boat in their backyard and off we rode into the sunset on Lake Michigan. With Rose cuddled in my arms and Gladys next to me in the front of the boat we cruised into the night sky giggling and feeling perfectly happy. Rose exclaimed "This is the best day ever!" And I had to agree with her. We anchored and ran through the waves on the beach for awhile, which resulted in squeals and laughter. I have never enjoyed wave jumping and running in the water SO MUCH! Tonight I am grateful to God for the little pleasures in life that He sees fit to bless me with. How much he loves his children!
Playing For Change
As God narrows my vision and passion for bringing cultures together and helping people to see the many ways that we can help each other, I meet many other people who have similar visions and dreams. Mark Johnson and the people involved with playingforchange are just such fellow visionaries. Mark started the non-profit organization PlayingForChange four years ago in an effort to show how music can bring cultures together. He and his crew have traveled all over the world filming musicians singing the same song, in so many cultures and languages. The group now has a CD available and holds benefit concerts to raise money to help people all over the world. Today Mark and his cohort, Enzo, traveled to Holland, Michigan to record the African Children's Choir. They set up at the church and our children recorded the song "All You Need Is Love" by the Beatles. People from Jamaica, Argentina and various other places are going to be on the song and I can't wait to hear the finished product. Supposedly it is going to be sold in Starbucks..though I don't know when the release date is. If you would like to read more or see some the videos Mark has already made check out It was an honor to work with these guys and to be a part of this great project! 

Friday, September 11, 2009
Praise the Lord for mini-vacations! The past 24 hours have been the greatest blessing. Yesterday morning Laura and I arose around 5am and caught a taxi to the Detroit Greyhound station. Yes, it was very sketchy...but in true Angela fashion, I ran into a guy at the station that I went to school with at Moody! Laura will never let me live down the fact that I know people EVERYWHERE we go.Haha. The three of us survived the Detroit station together and hopped a bus to CANADA! Praise the Lord we had no trouble getting across the border. Laura's family lives in London, Ontario and I am so excited to finally have the chance to meet them and experience the place Laura grew up. As much as we love our little African children, it has been soooooooo nice to take a break. We went to the market, had a beautiful lunch at an outdoor restaurant, and explored Port Stanley. Yesterday I got to see Ontario for the first time and Lake Erie. All right! What a treat to enjoy a leisurely afternoon at the beach, eating ice cream and exploring cute little boutiques with Laura and her parents. I'm happy to report that Laura's mom knows how to cook the most beautiful meals and how to be a lovley host. She even made me the best carrot cake I have ever had to celebrate my birthday two days early! God bless her! After a quick walk to Tim Horton's for coffee this morning we are off to have a lovely lunch and head back across the border to meet up with the children and the team. Anway, just wanted to give a quick update from Ontario :)

Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Few Thoughts From Detroit Tonight
Sorry for the long silence on the blog (for me anyway). It's been a crazy hectic couple of weeks with lots of goings and comings and limited internet connectivity (while I had the brain power to actually write something). No promises that this entry will be coherent, but something is better than nothing right? I am currently procrastinating on some paperwork I need to do, as well as finishing up my
taxes :(.
There are some people in this world who I instantly connect with and they get added to my list of favorite people. Abraham is one of those people (if your reading already know this). He is our Ugandan manager and a man I deeply respect and love. He's taught me a lot about inter cultural relationships and life. Having him around was a morale booster for everyone on the team, as we head into the final stretch of tour. Hard to believe that we are so quickly approaching the end. Last night Choir 31 (which I trained with last year) flew home to Uganda. It was just a big reminder of the big goodbye that is coming. I try not to think about it too much, but unfortunately it's hard not to. While Abraham was here doing devotions with us as a team and giving a pep talk, I thought back to our training together in Africa last year. Then I thought about all that we have been through this year and all the emotions I have experienced. Being together with Abraham again reminded me of everything and I felt like the emotions of the whole year caught up with me. Lots of tears were shed. It's been an emotional couple of weeks.
Andrew (our former tour leader) was able to come down from Ontario to visit us for a few days here in Michigan this past week, which was another nice treat for everyone. We enjoyed catching up with him. The boys showed him how big their muscles are, we shared stories over coffee (he's the one who had a hand in my becoming a coffee drinker), and his family finally got to meet the kids who have been praying for them this whole year. We love you brother!
There are many more choppy thoughts I could share with you, but I must be getting to bed. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we persevere to the end. Pray for the children of choir 31 as they transition back to life in Uganda, and pray for choir 34 and 35 as they are still transitioning to tour life here in the States.
Blessings to you all!
taxes :(.
There are some people in this world who I instantly connect with and they get added to my list of favorite people. Abraham is one of those people (if your reading already know this). He is our Ugandan manager and a man I deeply respect and love. He's taught me a lot about inter cultural relationships and life. Having him around was a morale booster for everyone on the team, as we head into the final stretch of tour. Hard to believe that we are so quickly approaching the end. Last night Choir 31 (which I trained with last year) flew home to Uganda. It was just a big reminder of the big goodbye that is coming. I try not to think about it too much, but unfortunately it's hard not to. While Abraham was here doing devotions with us as a team and giving a pep talk, I thought back to our training together in Africa last year. Then I thought about all that we have been through this year and all the emotions I have experienced. Being together with Abraham again reminded me of everything and I felt like the emotions of the whole year caught up with me. Lots of tears were shed. It's been an emotional couple of weeks.
Andrew (our former tour leader) was able to come down from Ontario to visit us for a few days here in Michigan this past week, which was another nice treat for everyone. We enjoyed catching up with him. The boys showed him how big their muscles are, we shared stories over coffee (he's the one who had a hand in my becoming a coffee drinker), and his family finally got to meet the kids who have been praying for them this whole year. We love you brother!
There are many more choppy thoughts I could share with you, but I must be getting to bed. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we persevere to the end. Pray for the children of choir 31 as they transition back to life in Uganda, and pray for choir 34 and 35 as they are still transitioning to tour life here in the States.
Blessings to you all!
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