Monday, June 15, 2009

A brief update from Tennessee...

The internet has been sparce lately. My apologies for the lack of posts. So much has happened that I would love to share too! The past few weeks have been a blast. I have fallen even more in love with Tennessee than I was before. We spent three days in Franklin right around the corner from New Hope Academy, where I taught last year. I so enjoyed being able to show the kids were I taught and walking around downtown made me so happy.

We recently took the kids to the Memphis Zoo, which they LOVED...and so did I :) I've been to a lot of zoos in my life, but I really really enjoyed this one. My favorite quote was when Gilbert asked the lady that was working in the reptile are how they feed the giant python. She replied, "We just open the door and throw in the pig." PIG?!! I wish you could have seen Gilbert's face. I was pretty shocked too.

This week my friend Mark, who is teaching up in Canada, did a fundraiser with his class. After hearing about the African Children's Choir all year, one of his 4th graders decided to put together a fundraiser. The kids did a drive in movie and sold snacks at the school. The whole class called me during the fundraiser to say hello and they passed the phone around and talked to 5 of my girls. I haven't heard the final number, but when they called they had raised almost $500 and the principal had said he would match what they raised. All the money is going toward helping to build a school for my kids to go to when they go back home to Uganda. I am so excited to see how far reaching the impact of these kids and this program is. It truly blesses my heart to know that a group of kids in rural Canada loves my kids and is raising money so they can go to school.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support that allow this ministry to go on and change lives, one child at a time. We wouldn't be here without you!

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