Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Standing on the Promises of God

It's been a hard week. I am dealing with a lot and tonight after talking with a friend I realized that I have been trying to bear a big burden on my own instead of giving it to the Lord. I have turned my palms upside down and dropped it in God's lap. He's big..he can handle it. :) This friend also reminded me that I need to stand on God's promises. So I have spent this evening looking up many of God's promises. I've claimed them and prayed over them and tomorrow for devotions in the morning I plan to go over each promise with the children. I would like to share just some of those promises with you here. No matter what you are going through right now remember to stand on the promises of God and don't let the troubles of this world get you down!

Standing on God's Promises
God promises that he has already given us the victory-1 Corinthians 15:57-58
God promises that there is power in the blood- Isaiah 53:5
God promises to be with us wherever we go – Joshua 1:9
God promises that all our sins were forgiven at the cross – Psalm 103:2, 3, 12
God promises to guide and direct us – Proverbs 3:5-6
God promises to hear us and answer our prayers -Psalm 55:16-17
God promises to give us everything we need -Philippians 4:19
God promises to be our strength -Psalm 27:1
God promises to bring justice for the oppressed – Psalm 146: 7-9
God promises to give us boldness -Proverbs 3:26
God promises his peace will guard our hearts -Philippians 4:6-7
Jesus promises to make us new and set us free from sinful habits -2 Corinthians 5:17
God promises that when we seek Him we will find Him-Jeremiah 29:13
God promises that his word will endure forever -Isaiah 40:8
God promises to give us wisdom if we ask -James 1:5
God promises that whoever believes in him will not perish
Jesus promises that he is preparing a great place for us and he is coming back for us -John 14:3
God promises that if you humble yourself before him he will lift you up -James 4:10
God promises that if we ask anything according to his will he will give it to us -1 Jn. 5: 14-15
God promises that he will never tempt us beyond what we can bear -1 Corinthians 10:13
God promises that if we love our enemies our reward will be great -Luke 6:35
God promises that nobody can snatch us out of his hand and we can never lose our salvation
-John 10:28

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