Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Conversations That Last...

I have recently had some very touching, very funny conversations with a few of the children. Let me share a few of them with you...
Conversation #1
This morning Scovia came in when I was putting on my make-up. She had her Bible in hand and she said, "Excuse me Auntie..group 4 is leading devotions this morning and I would like to share something with my brothers and sisters. Can you help me find something to share with them?" I told her that was great and asked what she had in mind, or if God was teaching her anything in particular lately. She scanned the page and said "harvest." Okay, well I told her I would look for a good verse about harvest. We settled on Matthew 9:37 (The harvest is ready..but the workers are few...) I explained to her that the harvest is people who don't yet know Jesus as their savior. The workers are the missionaries that God needs to go share the good news about Jesus. She asked me to write down some questions she could ask the others and togethere we jotted down a small page of notes. She asked, "What is a missionary? Can you write that down, because I know somebody will ask and I need to be able to tell them." So I explained what a missionary is. At the end she thanked me and carefully placed the notes in her Bible and held it close all the way to church. I wasn't there to hear what she shared...but I will try and tell you how it went :)
Conversation # 2: The other day in P4 class the children saw a picture of me and my sister. They went off on how beautiful we are. Nelson said the kings will fight over us and Gilbert said they might not even eat for a day! Julius said, "I wish I was older." At that comment all the boys started laughing and asked what he would do...He became shy and said, "Okay, okay...I will just say it...I would marry Auntie Angela!" This brought the whole class into an erruption of laughter. I thanked Julius for his comment and assured him that God will bring him a lovely wife his own age someday. Nothing like a group of 4th grade boys
to boost my self-confidence :) I love them.

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