12:30am...do I go to bed or blog??? Definetly blog :)

2) The church we are at here in Huntington decided to bless the children with new winter jackets as the weather is turning colder and colder (there have even been threats of snow!). The jackets were presented to all the children last night amidst squeals of joy and dancing around the room. Some people are so generous!

Now I am finding anything to do, but go to bed, because I want to enjoy the peacefulness of this hotel room and the productive feeling I have right now :) However, there is not much else to do at this point...so goodnight world. Off I go to dreamland...
I am here in a hotel room in West Virginia enjoying a few rare hours of peace and quiet, but also feeling a little lost without my children and wondering how awefully lonely I will feel after tour.
The leaves in WV are beautiful! I just wish I could get a really good picture of them...unfortunately when the bus is moving is not the best time, and that is when I see the best panoramic shots. This week has been refreshing and exciting. Three small tidbits of exciting news:
1) Laura had a host give $700 in cash the other day to use to buy the children any new clothes that they need. She said her mom gave her the money before she died and she hadn't known what to do with it until now. Wow! Laura and Lindsey and I went on a shopping spree today to pick out $700 worth of clothes. It was so much fun!!!
3) I got to spend my day off today with an old friend from Moody. Kalyn and I were inseperable our first week at Moody in 2005. People thought for sure that we had been friends before coming to school, but indeed we had just met. I thank God for Kalyn's friendship, especially that first week. She is now married with an adorable son (Xavier) and we spent the day talking, catching up, and playing with Xav. Good times! Praise God for good friends in so many places. It's refreshing.
1 comment:
God is so good, I am so encouraged by the way God is continually working in your life and in the lives of those kids. :) Glad I got to spend the day with you! Those pics are cute. Sad we forgot to take one of you and I, hehe, but cracking up at Xavier's face in both :) Can't wait to keep reading your blog. Will challenge me to write more, too :)
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