Yesterday we welcomed into God's family little Rachel (a second grader)! After story time she approached our photographer and started asking questions. Amber was able to pray with her to accept Christ and she was very excited. Today I ran into Rachel at game time and told her how excited I was that she is now a part of the family of God. "Did you know that you are a real princess now?" I asked. "No" she replied. "Well the Bible says that Jesus is the King of Kings and when you asked him to be your savior He adopted you as His daughter. So that makes you a REAL princess!" At this she beamed and the girls around her became very excited. That is when I got the idea to make Rachel, the new princess, a crown. With the help of one of my creative staff assistant we made Rachel a pink, glittery princess crown that said "I am Jesus' princess." She wore that crown with pride and a great big smile.
During the end assembly I had Rachel stand up and I announced to the whole crowd that she was now a part of God's family and the newest princess. When I looked at her and across the room my skin began to crawl with goosebumps. At that moment I realized that all the time and effort we have put in, all the planning and thinking that I have done...has all been worth it. That one little girl made it all worth it. God is faithful and his love is MIGHTY. Thank you for your continued prayers this week!
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