So I took a picture of it...
Is it really this easy to renig on "till death do us part?" I realize that there is more to it and the process can be long and is always painful and ongoing. But I saw this today and thought to myself..So one day I decide I don't want to be married anymore so I jump in my car and drive on down to the local office supply store where I pick up a "how to" to DVD (as if it were Pilates instructions), a packet of forms to fill out, and voila! Wow.
Lifelong marriage relationships are becoming more and more rare to the detriment of our society. The list of problems caused by failing marriages could go on forever. I will spare you. When the going gets tough it's easier to quit than to stick it out. The root problem of many marriages today is that people aren't as careful in who they choose or in taking the time to build a solid friendship from the beginning.
With that in mind, I am excited about a new group that my friend, Michelle and I have started at church. When I was high school I was very involved with the youth group and I was a leader for several years in the junior high group. In fact, I was Michelle's leader. Now, many years later Michelle is older, wiser, and married. I am older, wiser, and experienced world traveler I guess you could say. Michelle and I decided to start up a girls small group at church to give girls an outlet to talk and to give us an opportunity to mentor them as they grow into young women.
Proverbs 31 is our jump off point and we've begun to go through and look at the characteristics of a godly woman. the girls made notebooks...
In these they take notes, glue in handouts, journal, and doodle. Next to the Bible, it is becoming somewhat of a life manual on what it means to follow Christ, make hard decisions, stay pure, and choose Mr. Right. We hope to see these girls making good decisions and someday loving, respecting, and honoring their husbands as they do Christ. I don't know half of what there is to know out there, but I do so love being able to share what I have learned and experienced with others! This is my challenge to you...don't horde all your knowledge, experiences, and wisdom - share it with the people God has placed in your life. You have much to offer I am sure.
heard of Eric and Leslie Ludy? i'm almost certain you have. my friend is obsessed with them... and i won't lie, i'm kind of into them.
cool thing you're doing over there sister!
First to your findings in Staples I am disturbed by it just as much as you are. When I was in Hallmark in June I came a across a new section for women and on the spaces of cards was for divorce and man bashing cards. It was very sad :( It is sad what we are trying to do just for the sake of convenience.
Second... What an amazing opportunity to minister to these young women. The exciting thing is just as you teach them, they will probably teach you as well...soaking in the joys of being a life long learner.
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