Thursday, December 11, 2008

Through the eyes of a child

There are few things more beatiful than seeing life through the eyes of a child. During school today I had the P4's do a journaling activity. Journaling has always been important for me and I was excited to teach them how and hopefully inspire them to keep a journal. The following entry is what Nelson wrote...

When we were in Dallas we saw snow. At first Uncle Andrew said it is snowing but I said no that's not true. Please do not jock (joke). So he said touch my arms. So I caught his arms then I felt his arms so so so so cold. Then I believe that it is snowing out side. Then my friends came out from the shower then they found us talking about snow then my friends did not believe so uncle Andrew said let's go outside. We all shout yes! Yes! So we went outside to see snow but before seeing when Patrick was holding the door people push Patrick away because they wanted to see snow. So I hold Patrick's hand and bring him up and we ran and see snow. Auntie Angela was taking a video I opened my mouth very wide and I was eating snow. I will write other when journal book comes.

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